Discipleship is a crucial part of the Christian walk. Not only are we called to be discipled by the Holy Spirit; we are called to disciple and be discipled by the body of Christ. So what does discipleship mean? In the Christian sense, discipleship is just a word for the process of becoming like Christ. Our aim as Christians should be to mirror Jesus in every aspect of our lives.

Growing in spiritual maturity is no accident. Being discipled by the Holy Spirit and by other believers is a life-long journey of being fashioned into who the Creator always intended for us to be. As the Holy Spirit continues to refine us, we have the choice to lean in or reject His leadership. Whether it’s in our thought life, our worldview, or the way we love those around us, the work of sanctification is never complete. As followers of Jesus, it is important that we are aware of the areas where we aren’t completely aligned with Him and be willing to allow Him and others to help us along the journey. A decision to lean in will always lead to more freedom and growing intimacy with the Lord.

Growth track is designed to offer every follower of Jesus a solid foundation for the lifelong discipleship journey. All Growth Track classes take place during the summer during our Summer U Program.


The first branch of the growth track is designed to help the new believer grasp the essential truths of the Christian faith.

1.1 God is the One True God
1.2 Adam and Eve Sin
1.3 Jesus is My Savior
1.4 We Celebrate Water Baptism Together
1.5 We Share Communion Together
1.6 Jesus is Coming Back
1.7 Jesus Will Reward His People


The second branch of the growth track focuses on the basics of how to follow Jesus everyday.

2.1 Grow Deeper
2.2 I Pursue God
2.3 Serve Others
2.4 Share the News
2.5 Live Generously
2.6 We Grow Together
2.7 Baptism in the Holy Spirit


The third branch of the growth track is designed to clearly define the mission and vision of ct|church, our structure, and facilitate membership and volunteer ministry.

3.1 The Church Family
3.2 Aligning with the Family of God
3.3 The Mission and Values of ct|church
3.4 Church Ordinances and Membership
3.5 Experience Your Gift
3.6 What the Bible Says About Spiritual Gifts
3.7 Ministry Discovery


The fourth and last branch of the growth track focuses on developing strong character, integrity, and ministry resiliency.

4.1 Live Holy
4.2 The Holy Spirit Empowers
4.3 Encourage Others
4.4 Welcome Interruptions
4.5 Respond with Compassion
4.6 Allow for Redirection
4.7 Keep the Faith